Mark 16:15 "Go into all the world..."
It takes faith to go, whether it's to go to school, go to work, or go into all the world. But faith begins with something inside that says, "YES!" When God asks, "Do you want to do thus and such?" Then you take a step, a leap is more like it.
Mark 16 goes on to say this, "...and the Lord worked with them." I have never read that verse before (or paid attention to it) until Friday. When God says go, He goes with us.
So if you've ever seen someone jump out of a plane for the first time they are strapped to someone. It's called tandem. A person is not told to jump out of a plane on their own, they are given a professional to guide them.
So when God asks if you want to go, just say yes and know that He's a pro and will be right there the whole adventure through!!! He has already been there and He is inviting us share in the adventure...
Hello world!
4 years ago