Engage Me
At InFlux on Thursday night, there was something brewing in the air, it was awesome. During the worship the Lord begin to speak to me in pictures and talk to me about how He sees the generation of young adults - my generation. I saw people randomly spread out sitting alone on couches, chairs, church chairs, and then bleachers at a sports event. The Lord begin to pull on them and say "Engage Me." The people I saw were completely disconnected and discontent. They had "checked out." But God was pulling them, encouraging them to come "play on His field." I asked about what causes someoneto just sit there and watch other people - He spoke to my heart and said, "they've been told they don't belong there." I began to cry and my heart leaped as I knew that I had to share this with the group. The verse that came to my mind was Hebrews 10:35, "For we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed but of those who believe and are saved." As I began to share this with the crowd I was impressed to say, "Engage Me, come play on My team, I've created you, I've created you with a purpose, I've created you with a position to play on My team. Come with Me and know how to push back the enemy instead of being pushed around by him. Know what it is to have victory in every area of your life."
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