Friday, December 26, 2008

The world is my playground...

So I didn't want to get out of bed this morning. It's one of those days I just want to stay in bed and think myself into's safer that way right? NOPE! But I'm on vacation, I don't have to be active - right? WRONG! Inactivity sets us up for failure (King David took a vacation from the war and that's when he saw Bathsheba...need I go on...) Rest is good, and necessary, but even in rest I can meditate on good things.

The Lord reminds me of this verse, "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things." Phil 4:8

I can't be afraid of what is waiting for me when I get up. I know that something (and someone) big awaits me and as excited as I am to get there, I'm terrified too (this is where I get choked up and stop myself from crying.) All the "what if" questions hit my mind and I want to hide...ere go stay in bed. But I prayed for a few minutes before getting up and took care of some distracting negative thoughts, then I got some coffee and opened my computer to check my emails...

As I was reading another friend's blog ( the most freeing thought came to me - "The World is my Playground, and it's Time to Get Moving!"

So as I meditate on pure, noble, and lovely things, I will get out of bed each day with the hope that I am moving forward, and face the world that is my playgorund.

1 comment:

Ande Truman said...

This is encouraging to me... thanks girl! You're looking fabulous, by the way :)