Monday, April 6, 2009

Stirring the Fire

2 Tim 1:6 "...stir up the gift within you..."

I'm sitting by a very nice fire and working on my computer preparing for my move to California in 2 weeks. (I can't believe its 2 weeks, eek!)

I've grown up with fireplaces and been around them, I've just never used one. my sister or dad always started them and kept them going. As I'm staying in a lovely home of friends, they too like the natural warmth a fire can bring. However, I'm alone in the room and its now become my responsibility to keep it going. Like I said, I've never done this. So I determined to stir it up myself. I found the firewood, put another log on the fire and stoked it. I was so proud of myself. At this point, I've done this like 4 times.

As I was working on it I recalled the verse above and thought about how our walk withe the Lord is the same - we must take the responsibility of keeping the flame stoked and burning. Others can come along and help, but ultimately its our place to do it. Its not the funnest thing, or the easiest, and it takes constant watching. Here in the house I can get busy and look over an notice the fire has gone down, then I must choose to get up and get it going again.

Stoking the flame of our spirit is a choice. Here are a few ideas:
  • Read from a daily devotional
  • Listen to some music that reminds you of a time when you were really "hot"
  • Do somethng that's in your gifting. For me its hospitality or organizing. So I help make dinner and organize ideas.
  • Volunteer - church, school, anywhere!
Have fun!

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